Welcome to St. Mary the Virgin Bruton


St. Mary's is the parish church of Bruton and seeks to play an active part in the life of this vibrant community. We intend to maintain the best aspects of our tradition but also to find new and imaginative ways to live out the Gospel message of hope which we have received and which we seek to pass on.

We very much hope that you will join us and be part of this, in whatever way you can.

Electoral Roll Application – deadline Friday March 21st

This year, we need to renew our parish electoral roll. The existing roll is discarded and an entirely new roll created. This means that anyone who wishes to be on the electoral roll must apply to have their name entered on the new roll – there is no automatic carry-over of names from the existing roll to the new roll: if you don’t complete an application form and submit it in time, you will drop off the roll.

Being on the electoral roll is a good way to participate in the life of your parish church. It enables you to attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, to vote for elected PCC members, and to stand for election yourself.

The deadline for applications is Friday March 21st.

You can obtain a form by downloading it here or by contacting the Electoral Roll Officer, Mrs Jane Bennett, at jimb283@hotmail.co.uk, or the Benefice Office at benefice@stmarysbruton.org. Completed forms should be sent to the Electoral Roll Officer or left in an envelope at the back of St Mary’s, addressed to the Electoral Roll Officer.

Visiting St Mary's

The church building is open for visiting and prayer from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm daily. If you find the church locked and you would like access, please email wardens@stmarysbruton.org, or leave a voice mail with the church office on 01749 813080.

Prayers of Love and Faith

As part of the Church of England's 'Living in Love and Faith' project, which is an extended consideration of issues relating to sexuality, gender, relationships and marriage, some new prayers have been authorised. These are called Prayers of Love and Faith and are written to be used with couples in same-sex relationships. They are authorised to be used within and as part of a normal Sunday service. This is not a marriage service:  same-sex coupes are currently not able to get married in church.

We would be happy to offer a selection of these prayers during a Sunday service - if you are interested in discussing this, please get in touch with the Rector.

You can find the prayers here: Prayers of Love and Faith